Miquon Math  4.1/5 (4)

 4.8/5 (4)
 3/5 (4)
 4.8/5 (4)
 4/5 (4)

Miquon uses a hands-on approach to math using Cuisenaire Rods.  It is designed for 1st-3rd graders.  Read more about it at the Miquon Math website.

Rating Entries

Comment: This is the besr discovery based math out there! You need cuisenaire rods to complete the worksheets. It is not scripted, and there is not an explination for each page. So as a parent you need to be learning along with your child. The child is to play with the math concepts and see the relationships between numbers. This will lay an amazing numerical foundation in understanding how math works. It is not easy to use like other programs, but the effort is worth it. You will need ways to include fact practice. And be brave to do something different. As well as be prepared to introduce topics early. A great go along program is Kitchen Table Math.
Comment: This is my favorite math curriculum, maybe not so much my kids favorite, but I think it teaches math better then any I have tried. It teaches it in a way that encourages better understanding of how math works rather then just fact memorization. It is definately harder to use then a lot of math curriculums but I think that its worth it. My kids have a good understanding of math and I think this curriculum is why.
Comment: Miquon Orange.

Pros: I like how they teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division together.

Cons: I had a hard time figuring out what to do on some pages. I bought the manual, but this program just didn't click with us.
Comment: I love the price, very affordable. We use our cuisenaire rods all the time! We use the workbooks mainly for extra seat work, and not as our main math textbook. Mostly because it requires more math skills, and confidence, than I have as a teacher. 🙂 So I need something that does most of the explaining for me.